Welcome Dynamics 365 BC Lovers,
In this article I will explain how to read content of a selected file from local. To achieve this i will create a simple standard dialog page with 1 fields, on it’s drilldown trigger wrote logic for select file from local to read.
Demonstration Video:
InStream: It is a generic stream object that you can use to read data from or write to files and BLOBs. You can define the internal structure of a stream as a flat stream of bytes. You can also assign one stream to another, and also reading from and writing to a stream both can occurs sequentially.
The InStream data type can be used to read bytes from a stream object. The data is read in binary format, and you can use the Read and ReadText functions to read that format.
UploadIntoStream: Sends a file from the client computer to the corresponding server. The client computer is the computer that is running the Windows client or the computer that is running a browser that accesses the web client.
Standard Dialog Page – Code Snippet: .
page 80027 ReadFileContent
Caption = 'Read file content - Demo';
PageType = StandardDialog;
ApplicationArea = All;
UsageCategory = Administration;
field("Upload File and Read it's content"; selectFile)
ApplicationArea = All;
Visible = false;
trigger OnDrillDown()
InStr: InStream;
FileName: Text;
NumberOfBytesRead: Integer;
TextRead: Text;
// You can read from or write to streams by using the InStream and OutStream methods.The Temp Blob codeunit can be used to convert between the two stream types.
// The InStream data type can be used to read bytes from a stream object.The data is read in binary format, and you can use the Read and ReadText functions to read that format.
if (File.UploadIntoStream('Open File', '', 'All Files (*.*)|*.*',
FileName, InStr)) then begin
// If you use read then while written after read will not read anything because already everything in InStream variable is read -- vice versa
// Start: Read Each Line one by one
// while not InStr.EOS() do begin
// NumberOfBytesRead := InStr.ReadText(TextRead, 100);
// Message('%1\Size: %2', TextRead, NumberOfBytesRead);
// end;
// Stop: Read Each Line one by one
selectFile: Text; // File to Read
I hope you understand how to read content from a file in Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Stay Tuned!